Pragma Etimos: Let’s discover the point of view of a young Computer Vision



” Technique does not have any goals, it does not aim at human progress. What does the technique will aim at? It wants to be independent; it wants the development. Why? Because it has become the universal condition for achieving any purpose “.

Cit. Umberto Galimberti, Italian philosopher, academic, psychoanalyst and journalist.


In just a few years, technology has changed our way of living and working. In many cases it is no longer a choice, but a necessity to keep pace with the development of society. We think of cell phones or computers.

The problem is that we have not yet moved from Digitization to a Digital Transformation process.

The terms are often confused: in the first case we mean the transition from analog to digital; in the second, however, a transformation process that affects organizational processes, bringing changes and innovations in working methods, culture and finally in the experience of the users of the services / products.

Later, technology becomes a tool that helps improve organizational processes, creating a synergy between man and machine.

For years, with the idea of ​​”innovating”, technology has been inserted without thinking of adapting it, without the culture to be able to manage it and above all, without thinking about the long-term consequences.

We need to recover “the humanity” behind the technology.


The experience of Pragma Etimos: a Computer Vision solution

The customer had a lot of video data available from video cameras that record 24 hours a day. The devices, not being of the latest generation, did not have an Artificial Intelligence that would transform that data into valuable information. However, replacing the old cameras with the new ones would have been too expensive. On the other hand, however, keeping people busy for hours watching continuous video streams was not very efficient.

For which a tailor-made solution was opted for.

Pragma Etimos has responded to the customer’s need by making available the know-how acquired over the years in the field of Computer Vision. In particular, we have developed and customized neural models and used various Artificial Intelligence techniques applied for the analysis of videos and images.

The models created are able to recognize and analyze certain objects and situations, sending to the human operator only the fractions of the video where the information sought is present, so that the person only has to analyze the selected scenarios, and can carry out his analysis activities more quickly.


Data Recovery: The Green Data philosophy

In the case reported, every day a lot of data was collected, or rather, accumulated, from video files, without these generating information and value.

Being in digital form, we have the impression that the accumulation of this data has no consequences. However, it is only an illusion.

To date, Data Centers produce 1% of the world’s energy demand. According to Capgemini, the CO2 emissions created by information technology will triple by 2025 compared to 2010 levels.

Usually the “advice” given to companies that want to reduce waste is to optimize the use of energy by adopting more efficient data transfer mechanisms, or to insert new devices made of recycled materials.

But we rarely think about the data. To how many are collected, without checking them, updating them, correcting them, cataloging them, classifying them. It is true that the amount of data has a cost, later were used to create value, by analyzing and developing strategies, they would also bring benefits that would compensate.

Pragma Etimos‘ appeal is to become aware of this and create solutions to collect and recover data correctly, transforming the garbage-in, garbage-out effect into garbage-in, value-out. Only by following this “Green Data” philosophy we will be able to “clean up” digital world.

We remind you that the work that goes through the digitization of data does not have to stop at the machine. Technology doesn’t have to end here. We need to create a synergistic man-machine-man flow, capable of returning added value to the human being.


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