The world of work is revolutionizing. We cannot ignore the role that AI plays in supporting the different tasks and duties of every professional.

Many of you will have found themselves at a crossroads: on the one hand, the opportunity to take advantage of technology to improve services; on the other, the responsibility to do so in an ethical and responsible way.

The question of Artificial Intelligence and ethics is attracting the attention of lawmakers around the world.

It is interesting to investigate some points relating to the issue in question. We in the Pragma Etimos team want to give our contribution, working for years in research and technological development.

AI & Work Ethic

The issue of Artificial Intelligence and ethics raises important questions that all professionals should carefully examine. Moving in the context of technological innovation without a guide of conduct can lead to errors.

Responsibility in the use of AI goes beyond simple compliance with the rules, extending to adherence to principles such as transparency, fairness and respect for privacy.

A recent survey found that 70% of consumers would be more likely to trust a company that demonstrates transparency in its use of new technologies (Trustpilot study). A fact that underlines the importance of transparency for all users. Ethics, in fact, can have a significant impact on the reputation of a professional.

Combining innovation and ethical conduct means understanding not only how AI can be used to improve the efficiency and quality of work, but also the implications that its use has on the socio-economic context.

AI as a support to human work

AI is rapidly evolving from a futuristic concept to an everyday reality.

One of its most significant applications is the support of human work in a wide range of industries. While some fear that AI will replace workers, the reality is that it is transforming the way we work, providing opportunities to increase efficiency and productivity.

Among the activities, it is possible to mention:

  • Automation of repetitive tasks: new technologies can be trained to perform tasks that would take a long time if done manually. For example, in administrative sectors, intelligent systems can manage data collection and processing. This allows employees to focus on more creative and complex tasks.

  • Decision assistance. AI systems can analyze large amounts of data to identify trends and opportunities that may escape the human eye. This can be useful in industries such as finance, healthcare and human resources management, where making quick and accurate decisions is crucial.

  • Personalization and improvement of services. AI systems can analyze customer data to understand their preferences and behaviors. In this way companies can offer tailor-made products and services. For example, AI-based recommendation engines can suggest products in line with consumer needs.
  • Security and monitoring. AI-based anomaly detection systems can constantly monitor data from sensors and devices. The goal is to detect suspicious or potentially dangerous behavior.

Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool to support human work across all sectors and industries. When used responsibly, it can improve productivity, optimize operations and lead to increased revenue.

At Pragma Etimos, we believe that while the future of work will be increasingly dominated by technology, the human element will always remain central to ensuring a healthy and sustainable economy.


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